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What are the documents required for opening an NRE account?
Below is the list of most documents required to open an NRE account with Arihant Capital. Please note, that you will need to attest the documents. All the documents submitted in a photocopy format will need a sign of in person verification with ‘VERIFIED WITH ORIGINAL’ seal and an ‘In person Verification’ sign on form by staff of Arihant.
A list of common documents is listed below. Depending on the country you reside in the document requirements may be different, so it is better to reach out to Our team will be happy to help you!
Documents required
1. One photograph
2. Account opening form filled and signed at all the ‘√’ marked places in the form.
3. Pan card copy
4. Indian & foreign address proof,
5. Cancelled cheque for bank proof
6. Passport copy
7. PIS Permission letter by bank (original & if photocopy given then it should be attested by bank or notarized),
8. RBI declaration letter signed by client (Format As per Annexure-A)
9. Fema declaration letter signed by client (Format As per Annexure-B)
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